Taking Care of Your Pet’s Health Care

You are not alone when it comes to providing your pet with the health care he or she needs. The staff at The Whole Pet Vet has collected a number of helpful resources and comprised a list of frequently asked questions to make your pet’s health easier to manage.
Telemedicine Information
We now have a dedicated line for telemedicine consult requests! In order to qualify for a telehealth consult, the pet must be an existing patient of The Whole Pet Vet and must have had a physical exam done by one of our doctors within the past year. These consults are conducted via Zoom and allow us to respond to general medicine questions, non-urgent concerns such as superficial wounds or abrasions and/or follow up visits for
conditions such as allergic dermatitis, ear infections, etc.
Eligible Patients can call (408) 444-2008 and a veterinary technician will check voicemail messages once or twice a day DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS, with the goal of returning calls within 24 hours. If a return call is not received, clients can call our main hospital line (408) 402-3071.
The technician will triage the call and determine if the pet is a candidate for a telehealth visit, then schedule the consult and send a Zoom invite link via email. If we determine that the pet should be seen by a veterinarian, we are continuing to provide curbside service in accordance with COVID-19 prevention protocols. This allows us to safely provide high quality veterinary care for our patients while communicating to clients by phone to discuss findings and review treatment plans.
Delivery/Pickup Information
A local service is also providing prescription and pet food pick up/delivery for people! Please click here for more information: https://www.360petcab.com