Exploring Alternative Pet Health Options

The term “alternative pet health therapies” may seem a little vague, but The Whole Pet Vet Hospital & Wellness Center utilizes these types of options for our patients all the time. These scientifically-founded options can complement and add to more traditional options, which allows us to provide the best overall care for pets.
Alternative Pet Health Options
Alternative medical therapies are gaining traction as a valid means to enhance the care we can provide. Less traditional pet health options are typically best utilized as a complement to other, more standard approaches.
Alternative veterinary techniques can:
- Give us another avenue to utilize when other options have been exhausted
- Allow a different approach when traditional treatments or surgeries are not a good option
- Provide a viable alternative to therapies with undesirable side effects
- Work synergistically with traditional treatments to get even better results
- Be utilized to strengthen the immune system
- Help decrease stress in hospitalized or ill patients
Alternative pet health therapies offer many different options. We can assess the right combination of care specific to you and your pet’s needs. This whole-body approach to pet care is a refreshing and welcome alternative.
Alternative Care Offered
Even if your pet has already met our staff, you may not have realized all of the options that we offer. Alternative therapies in pets are a large part of what we do here, and our list of possibilities is ever-expanding. Our alternative offerings include:
- Therapeutic massage: Working of the soft tissue structures of the body can help to reduce pain and improve function in our pet patients. Massage therapy can be a great addition to many patient care plans.
- Chiropractic care: This therapy relies on encouraging the proper alignment of the bones and muscles to relieve pain and improve body function. Dr. Sell is able to provide chiropractic therapy to pets in our practice.
- The use of herbs and supplements: Chinese herbs, various supplements, nutritional therapy, and energy balance to achieve desired results.
- Rehabilitation therapy: Pet rehabilitation therapy can help to improve your pet’s care by utilizing physical therapy based techniques and exercises.
- Therapeutic laser — Laser therapy can increase blood flow, decrease swelling, help with pain, and improve healing.
- Acupuncture — Acupuncture is the strategic placement of needles to stimulate and affect the body to achieve specific results.
Alternative pet health therapies allow a compassionate, whole-body approach to your pet’s medical care. Contact us with all of your questions about how we might be able to incorporate alternative therapies into your pet’s more traditional care.