pet nutritionAs we become more educated on the importance of high quality, whole foods diets for ourselves, it makes sense that this focus would eventually be extended to our pets. Indeed, the pet food industry has exploded in recent years, and much of that has been due to the demand by pet owners for better pet nutrition options.

Once we’re standing in the pet food aisle of the local pet supply store, however, making a decision isn’t easy. Questions race through our minds: “Does that brightly colored food actually contain vegetables, as the label claims?” “Should my pet go grain free?” “Is a food labeled ‘organic’ truly better for my pet?”

At The Whole Pet Vet, we believe that good pet nutrition is powerful medicine for a healthy life. Our pet nutrition counseling aims to empower pet owners to provide their pets with a high quality diet that meets their needs and keeps them healthier throughout each phase of life.

Straight from the Source

Your veterinarian should be your number one source of information regarding your pet’s diet. Together, you can come up with a plan to meet your pet’s nutritional needs, including recommendations for a pet food brand, life-stage needs, or special diet.

Nutrient balance

A food with disproportionate levels of certain ingredients (such as phosphorous) can negatively impact your pet’s health. A high quality pet food will have the right balance of nutrients.

Marketing Ploys

Just because a pet food label contains statements like “all natural” or “organic” does not mean the food is necessarily better for your pet. Always do your research and use your best judgment before selecting a food.

The issue of false advertising when it comes to pet products is a hot-button topic for us at The Whole Pet Vet. This past February, at our open house event, we were honored to host a screening of the documentary Pet FOOleD, which details the atrocities perpetrated by many pet food companies (and ignored by regulatory authorities). We can’t recommend this eye-opening film enough!

Customized Pet Nutrition Counseling

A complete dietary evaluation is an important part of our treatment protocols for any health and behavioral issue. Because your pet’s diet plays such an important role in his or her health, we may recommend the following:

  • Specially formulated prescription diets
  • Elimination diets (used to reduce exposure to certain inflammatory ingredients)
  • Diets structured around reducing conditions such as dermatitis or ear infections
  • A nutritionally balanced, home-prepared diet (in some cases)

If you have any questions about pet nutrition, or would like to learn more about pet nutrition counseling at The Whole Pet Vet, please don’t hesitate to give us a call!