How to Help Your Pet Cope During Tumultuous Times

Several months ago pet owners were worried about sheltering in place with their pet. After all, everyone was set in their ways regarding their work and school schedules, including the family pet. 

Cats and dogs dozed on the couch, looked out windows, sniffed around, and simply hung around until the family came home and dinner time approached. But as they do, life changed and pets and people alike had to negotiate a new schedule and dynamic. 

Not surprisingly, most pets have been pleased with the results.

Now we have different challenges ahead as schools and businesses begin to reopen. These changes could mean that pets have to face solitude again for hours at a time. It’s not always easy to help your pet cope with all this change, but you can teach them how to handle this through a patient and prepared approach.

If your pet is not accustomed to seeing YOU in a mask, they might find people on the street in masks especially alarming. Even the most well-behaved dogs can become easily spooked by circumstances they deem new or threatening. Help acclimate your pet by wearing your mask here and there around your pets, give praise or treats and help them feel less anxious about this new facial development on humans. Do not assume you know how your pet would react if adults or children in masks stop to stay hello and get too close – help your pet with this transition!
