A dog and a cat standing in the grass.

As we head back into the warmer months of the year this spring, The Whole Pet Vet Hospital and Wellness Center wants to be sure that you and your furry family are set up to enjoy it. Keep reading to learn our favorite ways to enjoy the weather and our top spring pet safety tips to avoid unplanned trips to see our staff

Spring Flings

After being cooped up in the darker, colder months, you and your pet are probably ready to get out and enjoy some mild spring weather. 

Warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours present a great opportunity for:

  • A long walk around the neighborhood
  • A trip to a local trail or dog park
  • A puppy play date
  • Supervised time on a leash and harness on the back porch for kitty
  • Involving your pet in the fun of spring cleaning
  • Letting your pet gaze out an open door or window at the activity outside
  • A game of fetch or hide the toy in the backyard
  • Letting your pet “help” you with yard work
  • Filling the bird or squirrel feeder outside of a window where your kitty can watch
  • Driving around the block with the windows down (if your pet enjoys this!)
  • Grow an indoor pet-friendly garden of plants like cat grass and catnip
  • Enjoying a good chew bone (for your pup) and a cup of coffee (for you) on the patio

A little extra sunshine is sure to fill everyone’s heart with a little smile after a long winter.

Spring Pet Safety Tips

While enjoying the nicer weather. It is important to remember that spring pet safety is important, too. Don’t let seasonal pet hazards ruin your good time.

Our favorite spring pet safety tips include:

  • Be preventive—Spring is a time of year when pet parasites such as fleas, mosquitos, and ticks become more active. Being sure that your pet is current on an appropriate parasite prevention (call us if you need help). It is also a high-risk time for transmission of communicable diseases like rabies and leptospirosis
  • Watch out for toxins—There are some unique spring pet toxins of which to be aware. In particular, be cautious with gardening chemicals, slug bait, rodenticides, and cleaning chemicals that might come out with spring cleaning. During the Easter holidays also beware of Easter lilies for your feline family member, chocolate, and easter grass, which can all pose a serious risk. 
  • Beware of other critters—Other animals are sure to want to enjoy the nice weather just as much as you do! Run-ins with other wildlife like snakes, skunks, and even prowling tomcats are sure to increase with the temperatures. 
  • Mind the temperatures—Even though the heat may not be at its maximum, warm temperatures still pose a risk for overheating. Be sure that your pet has plenty of fresh, clean water during your endeavors as well as access to the shade. 

With sunnier days on the horizon, The Whole Pet Vet and Wellness Center is happy to spend a little time outdoors. We hope that you and your pet are able to enjoy the season safely and get a little vitamin D!